Matured Malka

Eau De Vie De Biere

Spirit By Malka Beer Brewery.

Spirit of a Craft Beer

Matured Malka.


Matured Malka is based on Malka Blonde Ale, flagship beer of Israeli craft beers pioneer Malka Brewery. Malka Blonde Ale is rich in flavors thanks to a unique brewing process that includes oranges peels and coriander seeds.



This signature spirit is made from Malka Brewery flagship beer, Malka Blond Ale, that was chosen due to its bright citrusy notes, complex and balanced maltiness, and intoxicating floral aromas.


To exemplify the characteristics of the Malka Blonde Ale and turn in into an Eau de vie de biere, we used a double distillation process utilizing Verstill’s proprietary pot still to yield “Distilled Malka”, a vibrant, true-to-origin liquid with unexpectedly long finish for such a clear spirit.


The clear distilled Malka was matured in four different profiles using French and American oak casks and Verstill's unique controlled maturation process. The spirits were later blended to create a harmonized, silky, complex and aromatic spirit, maintaining the integrity of the original Malka Blonde beer characteristics.


We at Malka and Verstill believe there’s a rare kind of magic that can happen when working with incredibly high-quality ingredients and the right spirits creation journey: the brightest characteristics can shine through, captured beautifully in this very bottle for you.

Malka Beer is the largest craft beer brand in Israel, with both a beer garden in Yehi’am and Malka Saloon within Tefen Malka brewery.

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